For ambitious senior-level professionals seeking to thrive at work.

executive coaching

However, discussing every dilemma you face with your leader or peers is not always the most effective approach. The saying “it can be lonely at the top”, or even on the way to the top, is true.

Private coaching offers you a safe space to openly discuss your unique leadership challenges, navigate delicate social dynamics and talk through complex business issues as they arise, providing you with an unbiased perspective and a clear way forward.

In these programs, you’ll get clear on how you can maximize your impact by processing your next steps with an experienced external sounding board. Let’s embark on this journey together.   

One thing that most high-performing individuals have in common is that they have someone to coach them.

Your leadership journey was never meant to be traveled alone.   

(6 months)

Next Level Leadership Growth Coaching

Private, high-impact coaching for established senior-level professionals ready to enhance their leadership performance, strengthen their interpersonal effectiveness and develop the leadership capabilities required to execute their most strategic priorities. Each client has unique business and personal goals that will shape their coaching program. My coaching process, which can include a 360-degree assessment process, is designed to empower you with the mindsets and behaviors needed to achieve your desired outcomes.

If you are seeking to:
  • Be more focused, calm and outcomes-focused in stressful circumstances
  • Go from managing people to leading a high-performing team
  • Strengthen your team’s succession, creating a talent pool of individuals who are ready, willing and able to take on their next challenge when growth opportunities and vacancies arise
  • Refine your strategic thinking skills 
  • Develop uncommon, creative solutions
  • Enhance your ability to influence your boss, executive team members and across your organization
  • Lead change and gain stakeholder buy-in 

Then this program is for you.

let's Get started

This program helps leaders bring out the best in themselves. Goals may include: 

  • Navigating through growth, change and crises
  • Increasing your self-awareness, including values, strengths and blind spots 
  • Enhancing your mental health and well-being
  • Achieving the right balance between your work and personal priorities and relationships 

(6 months)

New Role Leadership Coaching

The first 6 months in a new role are pivotal. Ready to start strong and maximize your impact? This 6-month experience is developed for senior-level professionals who have recently transitioned into a new role or organization with greater responsibility or broader scope. I’ll help you to make an efficient and productive transition, in order to quickly adapt and thrive in your new role and/or organization. We’ll process through ways to establish credibility quickly, make intelligent decisions with confidence, and build trust with key stakeholders. 

If you are seeking to:
  • Take on a higher-level role with greater confidence
  • Design a strategic vision that improves your department or area of the business
  • Communicate your vision with clarity and impact
  • Accelerate your social influence in the organization
  • Tackle difficult, inherited challenges swiftly and expertly
  • Be recognized for your unique leadership abilities
  • Increase your productivity through personalized time management and people leadership strategies

Then this program is for you.

let's Get started

This program supports professionals through key transitions. goals may include:

  • Forging strong, authentic relationships with key members of the business
  • Focusing on the most important deliverables in your first 3, 6 to 12 months
  • Strengthening critical leadership skills, mindsets and behaviors needed at this next level
  • Developing a new relationship with peers in a leadership capacity 

What clients are saying

"Working with Steph made me such a better leader and professional. With Steph as my coach, I gained much better strategic vision, ability to lead change and influence across the business. I’m now much more self-aware, including how to better leverage my strengths and manage my blind-spots. Through our partnership, I remain much more grounded in stressful circumstances and lead with greater confidence."

— Vice President, Professional Services

"When I started working with Steph, I was embarking on a new leadership role at a pivotal time in my career. I needed to establish credibility quickly, make good decisions confidently, and quickly build trust with my peers and team. Steph not only provided a framework to evaluate my goals and impact at set intervals, but also held me accountable to the results I needed to realize in order to make an efficient and productive transition. She helped me to understand the importance of developing strong relationships with key peers, something which I would have overlooked in my drive for results."

— Vice President, Technology

"Steph helped me to take a step back from the many pressures I was facing at work, and that I was unduly putting on myself, to help me become a much more strategic, effective leader. Having risen up in my organization from more tactical roles, I needed to work on my strategic thinking and creativity, and overall sharpen my leadership capabilities. Steph provided the sounding board I needed to increase my confidence in my decision-making, thoughts and actions."

— Director, Education

Let’s explore how we can work together to better achieve your desired outcomes.

Don’t fit either of these categories?

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